I’m not saying Nintendo needs to overhaul the series, but I think fans would welcome a little variety (that’s actually a little more meaningful than having Charizard turn blue or whatever). Despite the new graphics, the adventure follows the same formula introduced in the original games with a zealot-like adherence to tradition choose one of three starters, fight eight Gym Leaders, defeat the Elite Four, yada yada yada. Really, my biggest gripe with X and Y is how familiar they feel. Though neat, Mega Evolutions feel a little gimmicky, like the developer was desperate for any new ideas. It’s more like Goku going Super Saiyan (and inevitably turning back to normal) and less like, say, Luke Skywalker permanently becoming a Jedi. The exact ranking doesnt matter too much, and Im probably wrong and youre right, so dont hate me. This is, of course, just my opinion, so dont take it too seriously. Mega Evolutions, however, only last for a battle (although it costs nothing to go through the length animation that activates it, so you can do it for every battle if you wanted). Explorers of Sky is the best Pokemon game, but thats a spinoff so it doesnt count. Normally when a Pokémon evolves, they stay that way until they evolve again. Other than that, X and Y added Mega Evolutions, new, powerful forms for certain Pokémon that you can activate per battle.

It also introduced a new Pokémon type, Fairy, a first since the Second generation gave us Steel and Dark.
#Compare pokemon games best story series
The newest entries most notably added 3D graphics to a series that long depended on sprites, which helped make Pokémon feel more modern and animated. The Ultimate History of Video Games: From Pong to Pokemon-The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World Kent, Steven L.